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Film Evaluation Paper

Film Evaluation Paper

Q Film Evaluation Draft & Self Review Due by 11:55pm Oct. 6th (10 pts.) Post a 500+ word DRAFT and SELF REVIEW ANSWERS to the following questions here by 11:55pm Oct. 6th Copy the questions provided below. Hit Reply and paste the questions in the reply and add your answers. Your paper and answers to the questions should be submitted as ONE document. The document should be in rtf, doc, or docx format. Do you identify the criteria in the introduction? List the criteria. Provide the thesis sentence below. Do you grab the reader’s attention in the introduction? How? Suggest one way you might strengthen the introduction. Can you tell by the end of the introduction what your opinion of the film is? State it in a sentence. Underline all sentences that provide background or contextual information. Is the information interesting? Could any be cut? What other information could you include? Does any information give away surprises or twists? Is there too much detail, and could some of it be cut? Do you need to include more information for your reader to make sense out of the story? Count the number of sentences in each paragraph and provide them below: Identify all uses of I, my, me, our, us, we, you, your, etc. Provide the number you found in the paper (excluding quotes). Identify any contractions list how many you may have included in the paper (excluding quotes). Identify any categorical language and provide how many times you found it in your paper (excluding quotes). Identify each topic sentence and make sure the paragraph deals only with that topic. Do you have clear topic sentences? Identify the topic sentences from the body of the paper below. Ex: Body Paragraph 1—clear and focused topic—The film No Country for Old Men has excellent character development. Look for clear transitions. Do you have clear transitions between paragraphs? Provide each transition sentence you can identify. Do you follow the structure of the thesis in the body paragraphs? Do any of the points need more support? Where could you use a quotation or a specific example from the film to pin down an idea? Do you use at least two specific examples from the film? Did you use good quotes/evidence that are helpful and fully explored? Provide the two examples below. Do you use commas correctly? Identify two weak sentences with grammatical issues. Do you organize the paper in a clear manner based on the criteria provided in the thesis? Thoroughly explain your response. Do you evaluate rather than provide an opinion? Provide one example of where you evaluate the film. How fitting and persuasive is your choice of criteria for evaluating this subject? How could you support or defend his/her criteria better? Is the conclusion satisfying and interesting? How could you strengthen the ending?

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Peter is representation of those children not treated properly and put them under the boxes. It gets evident to his daily activities and mostly controlled by his grandfather. The film makes a move in the originality of the children’s world. He has been through severity of the atmosphere and the loneliness wherein he could get a companion in duck. In the course of the film, the child’s state of being alone and tackling the surroundings with the hunters have been portrayed well.